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Cannabis Road Trip!

Top Cannabis Road Trip Essentials

IT’S DECEMBER IN SOUTH AFRICA! Which means one thing – road trip season. Or what we’d call Cannabis Road Trip Season.

But before you go on that long haul holiday there are some house rules, so to speak, about moving around South Africa with cannabis.

We’ve discussed these rules in Flying Domestically with Weed, and the latest Legal Progress with the Marijuana Law`, but let’s recap shall we!

The Rules About Cannabis Possession

It is still illegal to possess cannabis under the age of 18. If you are a minor carrying sticky icky, they’re going to tell your parents.

But, if you’re road tripping across South Africa, then you should be of age.

If you are planning on transporting cannabis seeds across Mzansi, you can possess an unlimited amount of them!

However, you can own only four plants per person. This means don’t go travelling with 30 flowering plants in your Toyota Tazz!

The law states you can have 100g of dagga on your person in public for personal use. Stating that this weed is for personal use is important – because you’re not allowed to sell it!

And finally, if you must know, you can store 600g of your finest chronic at home.

For those thinking of driving high… DON’T! We’ve also discussed this point, here.

Right, now onto what cannabis road trip essentials you need!

Zoot Grinder

Zoot Blue Grinder

What would any cannabis fan do without a grinder? Sure, find a terrible blunt pair of scissors in the top drawer of the Airbnb, but no! You want your herb ground properly.

And honestly, there are no better cannabis grinders in South Africa than the Zoot Grinder range!

These little babies have all been machined from the best quality aluminium, have rounded teeth, are covered in a non-stick ceramic coating, have a magic closing mechanism, and are available in a two and four-piece options.

We’d recommend the four-piece as it comes with an amazing scraper and sieve netting.

But what bong should you be rocking across all 9 provinces of South Africa?

Eyce Beaker!

Eyce Becker

Oh yes, the Eyce Beaker is the tough bong that can literally be bounced around the campfire. That’s because it is made from platinum cured silicone.

This silicone is food safe and tear-resistant! So, if there is a tug of war match over who’s toke it is, you should be fine.

Also! It have a lovely hidden container! Where it is you ask? You’ll need to buy one to find out!

The bong also has a handy magnetic ring lighter holder, so no Bic Lighter will be left behind on this trip.

But what’s a session without fresh herb?

Zoot Store | Tube

This is a double whammy from the Zootly crew.

The Zoot Store is smell-, water-, and everything-that-matters-proof! Which makes it perfect for carrying around your 100g of cannabis!

Also, all these benefits mean it’ll keep your crop fresher for longer. And because it is machined from high-grade aluminium you won’t crush it in your back pocket!

Our Zoot Tube offers all the same benefits as the Zoot Store, but it’s been designed for pre-rolled joints!

Perfect for those sunset sessions on the beach. And it should be mentioned because you’ll be whipping out these sophisticated smoking accessories, you’ll be attracting all the right kinds of attention.

But what’s a road trip without snacks?

Zootly CBD Chocolate!

Zootly CBD Chocolate

Did someone order that relaxing chocolate snack? Yeah, you did! Especially if you’re driving with someone with a CY registration.

CY-TILL-DIE! Let’s gooi some donuts in parking lot, and then mash the accelerator pedal right through the floor!

Andrew Macfarlane, writer, and someone who grew up in Bellville…

Zootly’s CBD Chocolate is a yummy CBD solution for those looking to treat their anxiety, aches and pains, and sleep problems.

Pretty sure bouncing around from campsite to campsite you might be struggling to get some proper sleep in.

There is one element we’ve forgotten to address. Overdoing the drinks…

May we suggest packing a few CBD bombs for the morning after.

And that sort of wraps it… but what about the ultimate travel kit for the South African cannabis traveller!

Zootly Pipe Kit with 4 Piece Grinder

Zootly Pipe Kit with 4 Piece Grinder

It’s what you’ve come to expect from the Zootly crew – awesomeness! Look at this sick (in a rad sense) kit!

In this all-in-one pack is the Zootly Ceramic Pipe, the amazing Zoot Case, as well as the Zoot Grinder!

The case comes with adjustable compartments and has a hard outer casing, which makes it the perfect storage solution for all your cannabis needs.

Or as Don said:

Super cool for packing all your gear for a weekend away. Nice and strong casing, robust zips. It’s the perfect size.

Don – Verified Owner

Thanks Don! We couldn’t say it better ourselves… that’s why we let you say it!

Cannabis Road Trip Essentials Conclusion!

From the Zootly, let’s just wish you the best festive/silly season, and remember to be safe.

After all, we’re rather fond of you, our clientele!

Words by: Andrew Macfarlane, writer, gardener, and occasional road tripper.

z00tly says: “I do love a good old road trip. Gives my wings a break!”

From the zootly Shop

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