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Simba Seeds Critical – Autoflower

5.0 (3 reviews)


For those looking at ensuring they reap a large and quick crop, Simba Seeds’ Critical is for you.

Developed for marijuana growers who wanted an all-rounder of a plant, this strain promises large yields, loads of flavour, easy growing, and is climate compatible with most environments.

It was created to be a crop anyone could take pride in and show off the extremely bountiful results.


Simba Seeds’ Critical Genetics

A blend of Afghani and Skunk, which are strains that are indica-dominant hybrids. The split is 75% indica and 25% sativa.

It has a low CBD count, with a high THC content.

This is a relatively new strain when compared to the other seeds in our bank.

Simba Seeds’ Critical Grow Time

This is a fast growing cannabis plant. The grow period is over within 11 weeks.

Don’t be concerned that this short cycle will mean less of a crop, you will still get your full harvest.

However, if you’re looking at a tight grow schedule, this is your strain.

Simba Seeds’ Critical Taste and High Profile

Expect strong earthiness when enjoying our Simba Seeds’ Critical. It is pungent, but also remarkably sweet.

The high has been described as relaxing and euphoric. Some have gone as far to say that it imparts a sedative feeling.

Additional information

Pack Size

1 Seed, 3 Seeds

3 reviews for Simba Seeds Critical – Autoflower

  1. Shuan Van Rhyn (verified owner)

  2. Cyprian S. (verified owner)

    Absolutely great stuff, I ordered a single seed, thought it was gonna come in a capsule or something, but it was in a nice original packaging with along with instruction on how to germinate it, love it

  3. Milesh K. (verified owner)

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