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Simba Seeds Lemon Haze

5.0 (1 review)


Characterized by its citrus smelling bud, the flower is yellow with amber hairs on the trichomes, giving it a yellow tint. Thus, why it’s called Lemon Haze.

It is a sativa-dominant hybrid that is highly psychoactive. If you are a fruit fan, this is the strain for you.


Simba Seeds’ Lemon Haze Genetics

The lineage of this strain is a mixture of Amnesia Haze and Lemon Skunk. Lemon Haze’s unique, zesty lemon characteristics come from it’s crosshatch between the Skunk plants.

As sativa-dominant, it is psychedelic strain and normally has a 19% THC content level.

Simba Seeds’ Lemon Haze Grow Times

This is a cannabis plant you need to calculate grow space for, as it needs to stretch out when flowering.

Make sure to be topping this plant during the vegetation phase, as this will distribute the growth to the lower parts. It is a good idea to plan for a trellis to support the bud weight.

Lemon Haze has a flowering period of 9-10 weeks. This plant enjoys warm climates and is comfortable between 21-26 Celsius.

Also, it produces a medium yield, but can be coaxed into larger crops with some green finger magic.

Simba Seeds’ Lemon Haze Taste and High

As mentioned, Lemon Haze has a zesty aroma that is extremely unique to the strain. Described as refreshing, make sure you have enough to share, as it is an attractive smell that’ll bring the crowds.

Its high is an energetic one as it is sativa dominant, and is good for marjiuana medical treatments in regards to moderate stress. Also, it is good for those who struggle to focus.

While it isn’t the strongest cerebral high, those who suffer from panic attacks should exercise caution.

For those looking for something refreshing to help hone their focus for the day ahead, this is the strain for you.

Additional information

Pack Size

1 Seed, 3 Seeds

1 review for Simba Seeds Lemon Haze

  1. Sjihan Van Rhyn (verified owner)

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