As with any industry there are tools of the trade. In the cannabis world there are also a few must haves. It’s important to have all the right cannabis harvesting tools at hand.
After all, you’ve put in months of work to get your amazing seed to the point of being a majestic plant. But now comes the time to harvest this beauty.
Let’s talk about the marijuana kit you need to harvest your healthy plant.
A Jeweller’s Loupe

As anyone will tell you, making sure your plant is ready is key. To get the best idea of when that time is you’ll need a jeweller’s loupe to investigate those trichomes.
You can read more about what to do with this little cannabis magnifying glass – here.
Once you’ve determined that the plant is ready, it’s time to trim.
Snip-Snip-Pruning Scissors!

As you’d expect you’ll need to trim off the buds. And to accomplish this flawlessly you’ll need a good pair of scissors.
You can purchase a heavy pair of secateurs, but cannabis plants don’t need that overkill cutting power.
Also, it is delicate work trimming the buds. So, a smaller pair of scissors is perfect.
And before you start to cut make sure to sanitise the blades! The last thing you want to do is to pass on infections from other plants.
To disinfect, you can either wipe down the blames with alcohol or heat the blades with a lighter or blow torch.
What other cannabis harvesting tools do you need?
Drying Rack Or Net!

Being able to hang your bud up to dry is key to enjoying it later on. There are various methods of doing this.
You can peg them up with a simple clothing peg.
Or you can invest in a drying net rack. This will guarantee there are no moisture spots and that there’s adequate airflow around the herb.
And if you’re looking at ageing your bud, you will need some humidity control sachets.
Like the Boveda range.
Any Other Cannabis Harvesting Tools?
You could spring for a small scale that measures the exact amount you’ve harvested, invest in an automatic bud trimmer, or any number of new cannabis gadgets coming out.
But for now, that’s all you need in your cannabis harvesting tool box.
Words By: Andrew Macfarlane, writer, gardener, and keen pruner.
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