In this episode, Dazed Donna reviews the President Seeds’ Gelato bin Laden.
If you ask us, this one time terrorist is now a true pacifist. Turning over a new leaf, so to speak.
Genetically speaking, this strain is derived from the world-renowned Girl Scout family.
We could go on and on about Gelato bin Laden, but we feel like we lack a nice couch.
Also, we don’t have any of the right equipment laying around to take advantage of this magical bud.
We’d suggest you be more like Dazed Donna, get stocked up, maybe get an all-in-one smoke kit!
You can read the transcribed review below or just watch the amazing video above.
Now, we’ll let Donna take you through the review.
“What’s up cannabis enthusiasts you’re back with Dazed Donna and Zootly’s Hoot of the Day!
Dazed Donna, on the couch.
Are you ready to see what strain we’re going to be picking apart today? Because I sure am.
So if you’ll please get your bongs, jiggy’s, pipes, and all your essentials ready and give a warm welcome to Gelato bin Laden!
I really love the way that you smell. So, I hope that you’re as tasty on the tongue.
This is exciting!
Alright guys! Okay, here we go: one, two, three, let’s do it – okay!
So, just to get back to you on the way that Mr. Gelato Man makes me feel. He (she) makes me feel like:
The whole world is finally spinning at a pace I can relate to.
All that terror, and yet, you invoke such a feeling of peace and tranquility within me.
Oh guys, be careful, make sure you are near a couch. You might feel a little stony after this one!
So, until next time, on Zootly’s Hoot.