High adventure that’s beyond compare! They are the Gummi Bears!”
Right, now that we’ve stopped singing the theme of arguably the most memorable children’s TV programme, we’re sure you have a burning desire for Gummi Bears! Not only are these treats easy to carry around and discreet to eat, but they are also yummy!
So, they make the perfect 16:20 treat. For our recipe, we’re using premixed, cannabis-infused oil.
If you don’t have access to this, you will need to grind your weed after separating stems and seeds. Add the ground weed to the oil* (*this can be olive, avocado, or coconut) and cook over a low heat for at least three hours, stirring frequently. Keep the temperature below 120℃.
After cooking, you need to strain the oil. We used cheesecloth for this step. Once strained, store it for your next cooking project, or making Gummi Bears!
What you’ll need to prepare these Gummi Bears is:
- A large pack of flavoured jelly cubes;
- 1½ cup of juice – make sure its a flavour that compliments the jelly;
- ¼ cup of the cannabis-infused oil;
- ½ cup of honey;
- Four sachets of gelatine;
And you will also need:
- A saucepan;
- A whisk;
- A bowl;
- And any silicon moulds you want!
The first step is to place your jelly cubes, cannabis-infused oil, honey, and 1 cup of juice in a saucepan. Heat the mixture over a low temperature, and exactly like you did when preparing the oil, stir it regularly.
Now, grab your bowl and mix the sachets of gelatin in with the rest of your juice and whisk until the mixture is smooth. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes.
After it has rested, add the gelatine and juice mix to your saucepan. Let the mixture simmer over a low temperature for 5 minutes, whisking constantly.
Here comes the exciting part! Pouring your mixture into silicon moulds – this is where it takes shape! So, if you want bears make sure to buy a silicon bear mould. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before placing into the fridge to set.
And once they’ve set, you’ll be ready to bounce here and there and everywhere with your own Gummi Bears!
Zootly Says: “If you’re not old enough to know what Gummi Bears were, here’s the song that’s bouncing around in our heads.”