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The Tents Have Arrived

Zootly Diaries #7: Locating A Digital Ninja

Date: August 2019

The day begins with confirming the perspex design for the Zoot Tube.

After signing off on the designs, we meet Alexis, our marketing consultant, at a coffee shop. This chat is about locating a Digital Marketer.

It’s been a two-month journey so far, and one that ended up taking four months, interviewing a person a week.

We also meet with Martina, who runs our Instagram account. After all, does a company exist without an Insta account? She’s also responsible for taking the pics.

But today’s most important event is seeing the sample Zoot Tent. While the web allows us access to the world, there’s always an unknown about how the final product will feel. This time we were super pleased.

We couldn’t believe the quality unpacking the tent. The sheeting is thicker than 16 microns and the poles are 16mm – for the ‘Average Joe,’ these are great figures. Also, all the zip endings have flaps to close off the light. 

It’s always great to receive something that’s beyond your expectations.

If you want to see this quality first-hand pop into our store in Mason’s Press in Woodstock.

From the zootly Shop

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